Wednesday, October, 25, 2014

7:13 p.m. The Senate adjourned until 10 a.m. Thursday.

6:52 p.m. Senator Wyden spoke about wildfires in the West.

6:41 p.m. Senator Durbin resumed his remarks about the Rohingya people.

6:38 p.m. Senator McConnell secured consent for passage of these measures: H.R. 1329, regarding veterans benefits; S. Res. 280, designating Oct. 2 through Oct. 6 National Health Information Technology Week; and, en bloc, Senate Resolutions 305, 306 and 307.

Senator McConnell secured consent for the Senate to convene tomorrow at 10 a.m., for the confirmation vote on the Palk nomination to occur at noon, and for the cloture vote on the McFadden nomination to follow immediately.

6:36 p.m. Senator Durbin spoke about the Rohingya people.

5:57 p.m. Senator Inhofe spoke about the armed services and foreign policy, about the Environmental Protection Agency and about judicial nominations.

5:43 p.m. Senator Markey spoke about children’s health care.

5:27 p.m. Senator Hirono spoke about children’s health care.

5:18 p.m. Senator Brown spoke about children’s health care.

5 p.m. Senator Casey spoke about children’s health care.

4:55 p.m. Senator Coons spoke about children’s health and community health programs.

4:42 p.m. Senator Warren spoke about children’s health care.

4:17 p.m. Senator Hassan spoke on the opioid crisis.

4:02 p.m. Senator Peters paid tribute to the University of Michigan on it’s bicentennial.

3:56 p.m. Senator Gardner spoke about a health care tax.

3:40 p.m. Senator Whitehouse spoke about climate change.

3:16 p.m. Senator Franken spoke about conditions in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

2:20 p.m. Senator Klobuchar spoke about Paul and Sheila Wellstone.

2:00 p.m. Senators Merkley and Young spoke about the crisis in Burma.

1:51 p.m. Senator Donnelly spoke on the Alexander/Murray health care bill.

1:40 p.m. Senator Merkley spoke about wild fires.

12:58 p.m. Senator Udall spoke about health care.

12:44 p.m. Senator Murphy spoke about Puerto Rico.

12:22 p.m. Senator Cruz spoke about tax cuts.

12:18 p.m. Senator Tillis spoke about tax reform.

12:07 p.m. Senator Sullivan spoke about the Palk nomination.

11:56 a.m. Senator Blunt spoke about tax reform.

11:41 a.m. Senator Cornyn spoke about the untested rape kit backlog.

11:32 a.m. Senator Shaheen spoke about the CBO score of the health care bill.

11:25 a.m. Senator Alexander follows Senator Murray on CBO scores of their health care bill.

11:12 a.m. Senator Murray spoke on her health care bill with Senator Alexander.

11:04 a.m. Senator Lankford spoke in support of the Palk nomination.

11:03 a.m. Cloture was invoked on the Palk nomination by a vote of 79 to 18.

Senators voting in favor:  52 Republicans, 26 Democrats, 1 Independent: King.

Senators voting against: 17 Democrats (Blumenthal, Booker, Cortez Masto, Duckworth, Feinstein, Gillibrand, Harris, Hirono, Markey, Merkley, Murphy, Schatz, Stabenow, Van Hollen, Warren, Whitehouse and Wyden. 1 Independent: Sanders.

Senators not voting: 3 Democrats: Heinrich, Leahy and Menendez.

10:31 a.m. The Senate is now voting on the motion to invoke cloture on the nomination of Scott L. Palk to be the US District Judge for the Western District of Oklahoma.

10:26 a.m. Senator Kennedy spoke about taxes.

10:08 a.m. Senator Durbin spoke about taxes.

9:51 a.m. Minority Leader Schumer spoke about Senators Flake and Corker. He spoke about taxes.

9:41 a.m. Majority Leader McConnell spoke about taxes. He spoke about judicial nominations.


The Senate will convene at 9:30 a.m. and will resume consideration of the nomination of Scott L. Palk to the United States District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma.

A vote on cloture for Palk will occur at 10:30 a.m.

If cloture is invoked on Palk, there would be up to 30 hours of debate prior to a confirmation vote. Upon disposition of the Palk nomination, there would be a cloture vote on the nomination of Trevor N. McFadden, of Virginia, to be United States District Judge for the District of Columbia.

If cloture is invoked on McFadden, there would be up to 30 hours of debate prior to a vote on confirmation.