Tuesday, May 14, 2024

7:00 p.m.

The Senate stands adjourned until 10:00am on Wednesday, May 15, 2024.

Following Leader remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of Executive Calendar #579 Courtney Diesel O’Donnell, of California, to be United States Permanent Representative to the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, with the rank of Ambassador, post-cloture.

At approximately 11:30am, the Senate will vote on confirmation of the O’Donnell nomination. Following disposition of the nomination, the Senate will vote on the motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #570 Sanket Jayshukh Bulsara, of New York, to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of New York.

Following the cloture vote, the Senate will recess until 2:15pm to allow for weekly caucus meetings.

If cloture is invoked, at approximately 2:15pm, the Senate will vote on confirmation of the nomination. Following disposition of the O’Donnell nomination, the Senate will vote on confirmation of Executive Calendar #572 Eric C. Schulte, of South Dakota, to be United States District Judge for the District of South Dakota.

At approximately 6:00pm, the Senate will vote on passage of Calendar #387, S.J.Res.57, providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of the Treasury relating to “Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds

Cloture has also been filed on Executive Calendar #460 Seth Robert Aframe, of New Hampshire, to be United States Circuit Judge for the First Circuit. This cloture vote is expected at approximately 1:45pm on Thursday.

Wednesday, May 15th at approx. 11:30am – 2 roll call votes:

1.      Confirmation of Executive Calendar #579 Courtney Diesel O’Donnell, of California, to be United States Permanent Representative to the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, with the rank of Ambassador

2.      Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #570 Sanket Jayshukh Bulsara, of New York, to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of New York

Wednesday, May 15th at approx. 2:15pm –  2 roll call votes:

1.      Confirmation of Executive Calendar #570 Sanket Jayshukh Bulsara, of New York, to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of New York

2.      Confirmation of Executive Calendar #572 Eric C. Schulte, of South Dakota, to be United States District Judge for the District of South Dakota.

Wednesday, May 15th at approx. 6:00pm – roll call vote:

1.      Passage of Calendar #387, S.J.Res.57, providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of the Treasury relating to “Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds 

In wrap up

Roll Call Vote

1.      Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #579 Courtney Diesel O’Donnell, of California, to be United States Permanent Representative to the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, with the rank of Ambassador; invoked: 50-41.

Legislative Business

Adopted S.Res.686, Kids to Parks Day

Completed the Rule 14 process to place H.R.7109 – Equal Representation Act on the Legislative Calendar of Business.

Executive Business

Confirmed the following nominations:


Exec. Cal. #578 – Stephan A. Lang, of Virginia, a Career Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Minister-Counselor, to be U.S. Coordinator for International Communications and Information Policy, with the rank of Ambassador.


Exec. Cal.  #457 – Henry J. Kerner, of Virginia, to be a Member of the Merit Systems Protection Board for the term of seven years expiring March 1, 2030,


Exec. Cal. #607 – Daniel B. Maffei, of New York, to be a Federal Maritime Commissioner for a term expiring June 30, 2027

Exec. Cal. #608 – Rebecca F. Dye, of North Carolina, to be a Federal Maritime Commissioner for a term expiring June 30, 2025


Exec. Cal. #609 – Patrick John Fuchs, of Wisconsin, to be a Member of the Surface Transportation Board for a term expiring January 14, 2029.


Exec. Cal. #610 – Jennifer L. Homendy, of Virginia, to be Chairman of the National Transportation Safety Board for a term of three years.

Exec. Cal. #611 – Jennifer L. Homendy, of Virginia, to be a Member of the National Transportation Safety Board for a term expiring December 31, 2029.

At a time to be determined by the Majority leader, in consultation with the Republican Leader, the Senate will vote on confirmation of the following nomination:

–          Executive Calendar #573  Camela C. Theeler, of South Dakota, to be United States District Judge for the District of South Dakota

6:37 p.m. Senator Whitehouse spoke about the budget.

6:37 p.m. By a vote of 50-41, the Senate invoked cloture on nomination of Courtney O’Donnell to be US Permanent Representative to the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, with the rank of Ambassador.

5:30 p.m. The Senate is now voting on the motion to invoke cloture on the nomination of Courtney O’Donnell to be US Permanent Representative to the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, with the rank of Ambassador.

5:18 p.m. Senator Cardin spoke in support of the nomination of Courtney O’Donnell to be US Permanent Representative to the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, with the rank of Ambassador.

4:53 p.m. Senator Cassidy paid tribute to a departing staffer. He then spoke in favor of the Luke Letlow Post office in Rayvill Louisiana.

4:28 p.m. Senator Cramer spoke on National Police Week.

4:14 p.m. Senator Rosen spoke on National Police Week.

4:00 p.m. Senator Cornyn spoke on the war in Israel and Gaza.

3:51 p.m. Senator Durbin spoke about Vladimir Kara-Murza, a Russian Journalist. He then spoke on Israel.

3:25 p.m. Republican Leader McConnell spoke on Israel, national security and antisemitism on college campuses.

3:25 p.m. H.R. 7109, Equal Representation Act, was placed on the Calendar under Rule XIV.

3:13 p.m. Majority Leader Schumer spoke about China, clean energy and immigration policies.

3:00 p.m. The Senate convened.


The Senate convenes at 3:00 p.m. At 5:30 p.m., the Senate will vote on cloture on the nomination of Courtney O’Donnell to be US Permanent Representative to the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, with the rank of Ambassador.