Monday, September 18, 2017

10:39 p.m. The Senate adjourned until 10 a.m. Tuesday.

10:06 p.m. Senator Murphy spoke about health care.

9:52 p.m. Senator Schatz spoke about health care.

9:29 p.m. Senator Casey spoke about health care.

8:48 p.m. Senator Booker spoke about health care.

7:56 p.m. Senator Merkley spoke about health care.

7:41 p.m. Senator Baldwin spoke about health care.

7:34 p.m. Senator Warren spoke about health care.

7:32 p.m. Senator Lankford secured consent for the passage of S. 1888, banning the use of federal funds for portraits of federal employees and of Senate Resolutions 260, 261 and 262, en bloc.

The Senate consented to convene Tuesday at 10 a.m., to resume consideration of the Francisco nomination, to vote on cloture at 11 a.m. and, with post-cloture time deemed expired, to vote on confirmation at 12:15 p.m.

The Senate agreed to recess for policy luncheons Tuesday from 12:30 p.m. until 2:15 p.m.

7:04 p.m. Senator Wyden spoke about health care.

6:52 p.m. Senator Durbin spoke on health care.

6:51 p.m. ML McConnell called up and filed cloture on the nomination of William Emanuel to be a member of the National Labor Relations Board.

6:50 p.m. By a tally of 89-8, the Senate passes H.R.2810, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018.

Voting against:
4 Democrats: Gillibrand, Leahy, Merkley and Wyden
3 Republicans: Corker, Lee and Paul
1 Independent: Sanders

Not voting: Graham, Menendez and Rubio

6:22 p.m. Roll call vote began on passage of H.R.2810, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018.

6:19 p.m. Several amendments agreed to by unanimous consent. Here is the list:
1. Kaine #277
2. Tester #434
3. Heitkamp #574
4. Merkley #660
5. Whitehouse #750
6. Van Hollen #756
7. Murray #833
8. Brown #890
9. Cardin #900
10. Leahy #903
11. Baldwin #904
12. Peters #950
13. Heitkamp #976
14. Cantwell #995
15. Stabenow #1014
16. Whitehouse #1015
17. Harris #1021
18. Sanders #1023
19. Cantwell #1065
20. Bennet #1087
21. Wyden #1088
22. Kaine #1089
23. Cortez Masto #1094
24. Durbin #1100

1. Lee #470
2. Moran #601
3. Portman #712
4. Inhofe #780
5. Ernst #873
6. McCain #874
7. Johnson #879
8. Murkowski #908
9. Rubio #927
10. Isakson #943
11. Flake #945
12. Moran #1006
13. Tillis #1031
14. Perdue #1033
15. Strange #1034
16. Lankford #1038
17. Rounds #1039
18. Scott #1050
19. Portman #1055
20. Tillis #1063
21. Sullivan #1073
22. Strange #1086
23. Graham #1096
24. Isakson #1032

6:04 p.m. Senators Reed and McCain spoke on Defense authorization.

6:03 p.m. Cloture invoked on H.R. 2810, Defense authorization 90-7.

Senators voting against:
4 Democrats: Durbin, Gillibrand, Merkley and Wyden
2 Republicans: Lee and Paul
1 Independent: Sanders

Senators not voting:
2 Republicans: Graham and Rubio
1 Democrat: Menendez

5:32 p.m. Roll call vote began on cloture on H.R.2810, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018.

5:09 p.m. UC achieved that Senators McCain and Reed have twenty minutes of debate time between the two votes this evening.

4:52 p.m. Senator Hirono spoke on health care.

4:40 p.m. Senator Cotton spoke on the defense bill.

4:21 p.m. Senator Young spoke on the defense bill.

4:12 p.m. Senator Van Hollen spoke on health care.

3:55 p.m. Senator Schumer spoke about the defense bill and health care.

3:33 p.m. Senator Nelson spoke about Hurricane Irma and about the defense bill.

3:26 p.m. Senator Lee spoke in support of the nominee for assistant attorney general for the anti-trust division of the Justice Department.

3:25 p.m. The Senate resumed consideration of the defense bill.

3:02 p.m. Majority Leader McConnell spoke about the defense bill, a law enforcement nominee and a retiring Senate Library employee.


The Senate will convene at 3:00 p.m. and resume consideration of H.R.2810, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018..

At 5:30 p.m., the McCain amendment #545 will be withdrawn, the Senate will adopt the Amend #1003, as modified and vote on the motion to invoke cloture on H.R.2810, NDAA.  If cloture is invoked, all post-cloture time will be considered expired and the Senate will vote on passage of the bill, as amended.


Monday, September 18 at 5:30pm – 2 roll call votes

  1. Motion to invoke cloture on H.R.2810, National Defense Authorization Act, as amended
  2. Passage of H.R.2810, NDAA, as amended