Monday, October 21, 2019

6:19 p.m. The Senate adjourned, next votes to occur at Noon on Tuesday, October 22nd on:

  1. On the resolution of ratification for Executive Calendar #5, Treaty Document #116-1,  Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty of 1949 on the Accession of the Republic of North Macedonia
  2.  Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #441, Andrew P. Bremberg, of Virginia, to be Representative of the United States of America to the Office of the United Nations and Other International Organizations in Geneva. If cloture is invoked on the Bremberg nomination, a vote is expected to occur early afternoon Tuesday.

6:18 p.m. Senator Hoeven wrapped up for the evening. Senate passed the following by unanimous consent:

Agreed to S.Con.Res.27, providing for the use of the catafalque situated in the Exhibition Hall of the Capitol Visitors’ Center.


Adopted S.Res.368, Legal counsel

Passed Calendar #200, H.R.150, Grant Reporting Efficiency and Agreements Transparency Act of 2019

Completed the Rule 14 process to place S.2644 (Turkey sanctions) on the Legislative Calendar of Business

6:17 p.m. Cloture was invoked on Executive Calendar #5, regarding the accession of Macedonia to NATO, 8x-2.

Senators voting against: 2 Republicans: Lee and Paul.

Senators not voting: 9 Democrats: Bennet, Booker, Harris, Hassan, Klobuchar, Schatz, Stabenow, Warren and Whitehouse; 4 Republicans: Isakson, Kennedy, Murkowski and Toomey; 1 Independent: Sanders.

5:28 p.m. Roll call vote began on cloture on Executive Calendar #5, regarding the accession of Macedonia to NATO.

5:18 p.m. Senator Moran spoke about the appropriation process.

5:05 p.m. Senator Casey spoke about impeachment.

4:34 p.m. Democratic Leader Schumer spoke about the appropriations process, the G-7 Summit, and the situation in Syria.

3:48 p.m. Senator Murphy spoke about healthcare.

3:21 p.m. Majority Leader McConnell spoke about the impeachment inquiry and the USMCA. S.2644 had it’s 2nd reading to place it on the Legislative Calendar.

3:20 p.m. S.Con. Res. 27, Providing for the use of the catafalque situated in Exhibition Hall of the Capitol Visitors’ Center, was adopted by unanimous consent.

3:03 p.m. Senator Grassley spoke The Whisteblowers Program Improvement Act.

The Senate will convene at 3:00 p.m.

Following Leader remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of Executive Calendar #5, regarding the accession of Macedonia to NATO.

At 5:30 p.m., the Senate will vote on the motion to invoke cloture on the treaty.

Majority Leader McConnell has also filed cloture on the following:

1.       Executive Calendar #441, the nomination of Andrew Bremberg to the Office of the United Nations and Other International Organizations in Geneva.

2.       Motion to proceed to the vehicle for the Senate’s “domestic minibus”, H.R.3055. The House bill is Commerce, Justice, Science, Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, Interior, Environment, Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Act, 2020.

3.       Motion to proceed to the vehicle for the “Defense minibus”, H.R.2740. The House bill is the  Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, Defense, State, Foreign Operations, and Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act, 2020.