12:10 a.m. The Senate adjourned and will reconvene at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, Oct. 7. They will resume Executive Session. The vote on Cloture on the motion to concur in the House amendment to S.1301, the legislative vehicle for the debt limit suspension is TBD.
3:26 p.m. The Senate stands in recess subject to the call of the chair.
3:25 p.m. By a vote of 54-46, the Senate confirmed Sarah Merriam to be U.S. District Judge for the District of Connecticut.
Senators Collins, Graham, Murkowski, and Tillis joined all Democrats and voted in favor.
2:24 p.m. The Senate began a roll call vote on confirmation of Executive Calendar #340 Sarah A.L. Merriam to be U.S. District Judge for the District of Connecticut.
1:38 p.m. Senators Fischer, Inhofe, Cramer, Blackburn, Wicker and Rounds spoke on Afghanistan.
1:16 p.m. Senator Ernst spoke on Afghanistan.
12:51 p.m. Senator Baldwin spoke on nominations. She asked unanimous consent for the Senate to confirm the nomination of Karen Jean Hedlund, CO, to be a Member of the Surface Transportation Board. Senator Lee objected.
12:22 p.m. Sentor Cornyn spoke about taxes.
12:22 p.m. By a vote of 53 – 47, the Senate invoked cloture on the Merriam nomination.
Republicans voting Yes: Collins, Graham, and Murkowski.
11:43 a.m. The Senate began a roll call vote on the motion to invoke cloture on Sarah Merriam to be United States District Judge for the District of Connecticut.
11:30 a.m. Senator Toomey spoke about Saul Omarova.
11:23 a.m. Senator Barrasso continued his remarks.
11:20 a.m. Majority Leader Schumer spoke on the debt ceiling.
11:19 a.m. Senator Barrasso spoke on the Democrats spending plan.
11:09 a.m. Senator Thune spoke about the Democrats spending plan.
11:05 a.m. Senator Casey spoke on the nomination of Elizabeth Brown to be General Counsel of the Department of Education. The Brown nomination was confirmed by voice vote.
10:46 a.m. Senator McConnell spoke about the debt limit and also about tax hikes.
10:35 a.m. Senator Booker asked for unanimous consent to confirm Shalanda Baker to be Director of the Office of Minority Economic Impact, Dept. of Energy. Senator Lee objected.
10:34 a.m. The Senate resumed consideration of Sarah Merriam to be US District Judge for the District of Connecticut.
10:33 a.m. S. 4 (amend the voting rights act of 1965) was read for the 2nd time and placed on the calendar.
10:00 a.m. The Senate convened.
The Senate will convene at 10:00 a.m. and resume consideration of the nomination of Sarah Merriam to be United States District Judge for the District of Connecticut.
One vote at 11:30 a.m.: cloture on the Merriam nomination.
Two votes at 2:15 p.m.:
- confirmation of the Merriam nomination.
- Cloture on the motion to concur in the House amendment to S.1301, the legislative vehicle for the debt limit suspension.