7:32 p.m. The Senate adjourned.
7:28 p.m. Senator Kennedy wrapped up for the evening. S Res 97, honoring Howard L Hawks was adopted by unanimous consent. S Res 96, designating Feb 24-28 as Public Schools Week was adopted by voice vote. UC that the Senate adjourn until 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday and resume consideration of SJ Res 10. Further that at 12:00 noon the Senate will vote on confirmation of the nomination of Greer to be US Trade Representative. We expect two further votes in the evening on passage of SJ Res 10 and the motion to proceed to SJ Res 12.
6:53 p.m. Senator Kennedy spoke on the federal debt and later about the Chagos islands.
6:52 p.m. Majority Leader Thune filed cloture on the nomination of Linda McMahon to be Secretary of Education.
6:51 p.m. The Senate adopted the motion to proceed to executive session on a party line vote of 51-47 with Senators Cramer and Tuberville absent.
6:14 p.m. The Senate began voting on the motion to proceed to executive session.
6:13 p.m. The Senate passed S.J. Res 11 by a tally of 54-44. Democrats in favor: Cortez Masto, Hickenlooper and Rosen. Senators not voting: Cramer and Tuberville.
5:23 p.m. The Senate is now voting on passage of S.J. Res. 11, the Kennedy Marine Archaeological CRA.
5:17 p.m. Senator Kennedy spoke on S.J.Res.11, the Kennedy Marine Archaeological CRA.
4:49 p.m. Senator Cassidy asked for unanimous consent for the Senate to proceed to the consideration of S.331, the Halt Fentanyl Act. Senator Booker objected.
4:54 p.m. Senator Booker spoke on the fentanyl crisis. He then asked for unanimous consent for the Senate to proceed to the consideration of S.724, the Temporary Extension of Fentanyl-Related Substances Scheduling Act. Senator Cassidy objected.
4:40 p.m. Senator Kaine spoke about his trip to Helsinki with the Virginia Guard.
4:26 p.m. Senator Lummis spoke on energy.
4:00 p.m. Senator Welch spoke on federal spending.
3:29 p.m. Senator Durbin spoke about federal research funding. He then asked that the Senate adopt S.Res.93, to which Senator Barrasso objected.
2:24 p.m. Senator Heinrich spoke against S.J.Res.11.
2:15 p.m. The Senate returned from the recess. Senator Cornyn spoke about China.
1:04 a.m. The Senate stands in recess until 2:15 p.m.
1:03 p.m. By a vote of 54-42, the Senate agreed to the motion to proceed to S.J.Res.11, Kennedy Marine Archaeological CRA.
- Democrat Senators Cortez-Masto, Hickenlooper, and Rosen voted in favor.
- Senators Alsobrooks, Cramer, Tuberville, and Van Hollen did not vote.
12:04 p.m. Senator Kennedy spoke on S.J.Res. 11, a joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management relating to “Protection of Marine Archeological Resources.
12:02 p.m. By a vote of 66-28, the Senate confirmed the nomination of Daniel Driscoll to be Secretary of the Army. Democrat senators voting in favor: Bennet, Cortez Masto, Durbin, Fetterman, Gallego, Hassan, Heinrich, Hickenlooper, Kaine, Kelly, Klobuchar, Peters, Reed, Rosen, Shaheen, and Warner.
11:15 a.m. The Senate began a roll call vote on confirmation of Daniel Driscoll to be Secretary of the Army.
10:53 a.m. Senator Durbin spoke on the Department of Government Efficiency and then spoke about crypto ATM fraud.
10:43 a.m. Senator Barrasso spoke on President Trump’s policies.
10:32 a.m. Leader Schumer spoke on President Trump’s policies.
10:12 a.m. Leader Thune spoke on the Greer nomination and trade, and then on energy.
10:02 a.m. Senator Grassley spoke in support of the Greer nomination.
The Senate will convene at 10:00am. Following Leader remarks, the Senate will proceed to Executive Session and resume consideration of the nomination of Daniel Driscoll to be Secretary of the Army.
At approximately 11:15am – one roll call vote:
1. Confirmation of the Driscoll nomination.
At approximately 12:00pm – one roll call vote:
1. Motion to proceed to S.J.Res.11, a joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management relating to “Protection of Marine Archeological Resources.
Following the expected motion to proceed vote, the Senate will recess until 2:15pm to allow for weekly caucus luncheons.
Additional roll call votes are expected during today’s session.